Honor U Apps

聖經金句BlessingU 1.5
Honor U
對基督徒而言,竭力盡心爭取每天與神親近,總是我們生命持續更新成長的不二法門!我們將數百句常用聖經金句,整合至六十多個生活應用上的小分類,作為你靈修時的輔助工具。分類包括:.基督徒生活.面對罪.信心.家庭.節日... ...等同時,您亦可透過「今日金句」的功能,每天簡短地帶出一個金句信息,給我們這些忙碌的都市信徒,心裡再默默思量神的話語,亦藉著緊記和謹守神的話語,使靈命有根有基,生根建造。「BlessingU金句」結合金句選輯、心意卡製作、金句相片拍攝及社交媒體分享等多組智慧功能。讓您隨時隨地均可製作及發佈一幅幅貼心而個人化的福音單張,關心您所珍惜重視的朋友。歡迎您使用「Blessing U 金句」及支持我們未來更多更新的研發項目!「BlessingU 金句」是我們首批的福音App,當中所收取的金額(USD1.99),將會100%全數投入製作更多基督教App,持續推動福音遍傳於手機平台之上。URL: http://www.BlessingU.orgEMAIL: cs@honor-u.com
Bible Scripture - BlessingU 1.3
Honor U
For Christians, striking to get closer to Godevery day is our only way to keep growing in Christ.We have categorized several hundreds of common Bible verses into60 or so daily dimensions, as your aids of devotion. The categoriesinclude: Christian Lives, Facing Sin, Confidence, Family,Festivals...At the same time, you can use the function “Daily Verse” tobriefly bring out a biblical message every day. It helps remindingus, busy Christians in the city, to remember and follow the wordsof God, so that our spiritual lives can be deeply rooted and have asolid foundation, from that we can build ourselves like buildinghouses on strong rocks."BlessingU Bible Scripture" combines the smart functions of aBible verses selection, greeting cards making, bible versesphoto-taking and social-network sharing, etc. You may make andlaunch personalized Gospel leaflets anytime and anywhere for thoseyou care about.We welcome you to use "Blessing U Bible Scripture" and tosupport our future development projects!"BlessingU Bible Scripture" is our First Christian app, theamount received (USD 1.99) would be used 100% in the furtherdevelopment of other Christian apps, in order to continue thespread of good news through smartphone media.URL: http://www.BlessingU.orgEMAIL: cs@honor-u.com
聖經金句BlessingU - 節日版 1.12
Honor U
感謝您使用《BlessingU金句》這小工具!《Blessing U金句》是集聖經金句選輯及心意卡製作;讓您隨時隨地製作個人化的福音單張,關心您所珍惜重視的朋友。同時,您亦可透過「今日金句」的功能選項,每天簡短地帶出一個金句信息,在心裡默默思量神的話語,亦藉著緊記和謹守神的話語,使靈命有根有基,生根建造。《BlessingU金句》是我們第一個研發的基督教App,目標乃為持續不斷研製「基督教應用程式及遊戲」而開始,此應用程式當中所收取的全數金額,將100%撥歸至開發下一個基督教App之用;務求我們日後能夠自負盈虧地製作更多基督教的新媒體工具,給世界各地有志於褔音遍傳的弟兄姊妹,活學活用。對基督徒而言,竭力盡心爭取每天與神親近,總是我們生命得以持續更新成長的不二法門!若您期待了解更多「基督教應用程式及遊戲」詳情,您可透過電郵與我們聯絡Trinity@Honor-u.com,我們會直接聯絡閣下分享。
圣经金句BlessingU (中国版) 1.2
Honor U
对基督徒而言,竭力尽心争取每天与神亲近,总是我们生命持续更新成长的不二法门!我们将数百句常用圣经金句,整合至六十多个生活应用上的小分类,作为你灵修时的辅助工具。分类包括:.基督徒生活.面对罪.信心.家庭.节日... ...等同时,您亦可透过「今日金句」的功能,每天简短地带出一个金句信息,给我们这些忙碌的都市信徒,心里再默默思量神的话语,亦藉着紧记和谨守神的话语,使灵命有根有基,生根建造。「BlessingU金句」结合金句选辑、心意卡制作、金句相片拍摄及社交媒体分享等多组智慧功能。让您随时随地均可制作及发布一幅幅贴心而个人化的福音单张,关心您所珍惜重视的朋友。欢迎您使用「Blessing U 金句」及支持我们未来更多更新的研发项目!「BlessingU金句」是我们首批的福音App,当中所收取的金额(USD1.99),将会100¨数投入制作更多基督教App,持续推动福音遍传于手机平台之上。URL: http://www.BlessingU.orgEMAIL: cs@honor-u.com
圣经金句BlessingU - 节日版 1.12
Honor U
感谢您使用《BlessingU金句》这小工具!《Blessing U金句》是集圣经金句选辑及心意卡制作;让您随时随地制作个人化的福音单张,关心您所珍惜重视的朋友。同时,您亦可透过「今日金句」的功能选项,每天简短地带出一个金句信息,在心里默默思量神的话语,亦藉着紧记和谨守神的话语,使灵命有根有基,生根建造。《Blessing U金句》是我们第一个研发的基督教App,目标乃为持续不断研制「基督教应用程式及游戏」而开始,此应用程式当中所收取的全数金额,将100%拨归至开发下一个基督教App之用;务求我们日後能够自负盈亏地制作更多基督教的新媒体工具,给世界各地有志於褔音遍传的弟兄姊妹,活学活用。对基督徒而言,竭力尽心争取每天与神亲近,总是我们生命得以持续更新成长的不二法门!若您期待了解更多「基督教应用程式及游戏」详情,您可透过电邮与我们联络Trinity@Honor-u.com,我们会直接联络阁下分享。
BlessingU Festival Scriptures 1.12
Honor U
Our heartiest thanks to your genuinesupportto《Blessing U》!For Christians, striking to get closer to God every day isouronly way to keep growing in Christ."BlessingU Bible Scripture" is our first mobile Appwhichempowers you to create vivacious eCards spontaneouslywithaspiration of your daily devotion verses. Besides it is anagileand comprehensive tool in your personal daily devotion withGOD, italso pretty handy for your care-giving with friends andpublicsharing on different social platforms and media.Meanwhile, you may also systematically pick from the“DailyWords” for your daily personal meditation, in order tobuildyourself up through deepen into HIS Holy Bible and practicingHISWords in line with your everyday lives.This is our first Mobile App developed solely to kick startafull spectrum of mobile applications, tools and games in ordertowidely spreading HIS Good News and Teachings from the Holy Bibleonvarious SmartPhone Platforms. Every penny we humblycollectfrom《BlessingU Bible Scripture》will be 100% contributed intothenext mobile App for further research & development, so thatwemay self-finance and healthily sustain our online ministry,inorder to persistently provide prestige and convenientChristianApplications, Tools and Games worldwide, keeping up thosewho trulysees themselves also an “Online Evangelist” for Christwith somewell-designed and handy tools on their go.Set aside a daily devotional time with the Lord willdefinitelykeep you spiritually fit, refreshed and divine in HISholy presence!If you would like to know more about Honor U Ministry, youmayfeel free to liaise with us via Trinity@Honor-u.com direct.
Puzzle Infinity : Cute Puppies 1.0
Honor U
We selected the finest puzzles all overtheworld.You could learn the most famous places, cutest animals andmostencouraging quotes while playing this unique game.We even turn the most classical movie scenes into puzzles.Let’s play and relax.
Puzzle Infinity: Wedding Dress 1.0
Honor U
We selected the finest puzzles all overtheworld.You could learn the most famous places, cutest animals andmostencouraging quotes while playing this unique game.We even turn the most classical movie scenes into puzzles.Let’s play and relax.
Piano Ragtime Music 1.0
Honor U
Best fit for enhancing your sleepingquality.Suitable for pampering your beloved babies.Music by:Scott Joplin (1868-1917) grew up in the time and place where a newmusic was evolving....He was one of the pioneers of Ragtime Music making a name forhimself with "Maple Leaf Rag". Usually credited solely to Joplin,"Swipesy" was a collaboration with his pupil Arthur Marshall.Joplin also co-wrote rags with Scott Hayden (1882-1915), and heprovided some assistance to James Scott when he introduced him tohis publisher.Scott Joplin is almost an exact contemporary of Debussy, and infact influenced some of his work.History of the Ragtime Music :Ragtime in general and Scott Joplin in particular reached a newaudience when "The Entertainer" was used on the soundtrack to themovie "The Sting".Ragtime emerged as a form of music towards the end of the 19thcentury, and this was one of a number of musical styles which hadtheir roots in this time period.This increasing diversity resulted from the fusion of Africanand European musical ideas in the Southern States of the U.S.It wasn't so much a deliberate crafting by music scholars, butmore the result of experimentation and informal learning byexample, often by self-taught musicians who played in streets andbars.This informal folk music became formalised into Ragtime bycomposers like Harney and Joplin who played the music to largeaudiences and published it so that its popularity spread across thecountry.Contact us:Honor U Ministry | iCare EdutainmentEmail: info@iCare.WorldWebSite: http://www.iCare.World